Build Your Business With Four Easy Steps

For many mid-career professionals, a Second (or third or fourth) Career turns out to be a business.

For many mid-career professionals, a Second (or third or fourth) Career turns out to be a business. If your industry disappears, you’re leaving a high-profile job, or you’ve risen through the ranks, self-employment can be your most realistic option.

While you’re working for an organization, it’s never too early to start asking, “What will I if my job goes away – or I decide to run away from my career?” Once you begin moving in this direction – even in a small way – you’ll most likely develop momentum and become really creative.


Creating a successful and profitable business is no easy task. It’s reliant on many outside factors, including competition, timing and demand, which you have very little to no control over at the beginning. Assuming all of these outside factors are in your favor, having a sound business plan can lead to having a successful business. Here are five steps to consider when you’re building your business from the ground up:


Creating a successful and profitable business is no easy task. It’s reliant on many outside factors, including competition, timing and demand, which you have very little to no control over at the beginning. Assuming all of these outside factors are in your favor, having a sound business plan can lead to having a successful business. Here are five steps to consider when you’re building your business from the ground up:

  1. Determine your business. What are you selling?
    This question isn’t as easy to answer as you may think. For example, Nike is in the sportswear business, but the truth is that when you buy a pair of Nike shoes and a t-shirt at the mall you’re buying a lot more than sportswear — you’re buying an image, a feeling. You’re buying the Nike brand. Richard Thalheimer, the former CEO of The Sharper Image and the founder of, has worked in specialty retail for more than 30 years. When asked what business he’s in, he’ll tell you “convenience” or “innovation” before he specifies any particular industry, and he’s built one of the most powerful brands in America. Keep in mind, there’s more to a product than, well, the product. Your brand is what sets your product apart from your competitor’s.
  2. Select your market. Who are you selling to?
    This step is a bit less interpretive as the first, though equally important. Who are you selling to? or more importantly, what do you know about this person? Understanding your consumer is a key to success. What do they do? Where do they hang out? What do they watch on television? These are just a few of the questions that you should be able to answer about your consumer. Knowing the answers to these questions can answer a lot of questions of your own when it comes to a devising a marketing strategy. Richard Thalheimer understood his market for The Sharper Image, probably as well as they understood themselves. From an article in the LA Times, Tracy Wan, who was president and chief operating officer under Thalheimer says “Richard has the amazing ability to figure out the things that people want to have.” This ability to perceive your consumer’s desire can only be a result of knowing them like your neighbor.
  3. Create a marketing strategy. How do you speak to these people?
    This is a culmination of understanding your brand and your consumer. As mentioned in number two, understanding your consumer can answer a lot of questions concerning your marketing strategy: Where should you advertise? What’s the voice of your brand? What kind of prices are reasonable for this demographic? In order to engage your consumer, a.k.a. sell your product to them, you must know where your advertisements will be noticed, how to speak to them, and how much they will be able to spend, among many of things. Really, this step should have been combined with the last because who your market is dictates your marketing strategy entirely.
  4. Learn by example. Seek advice from those who have done it.
    There are many books written by professionals who have already started their own business and have been successful in doing so. One that comes to mind immediately, as we’ve already mentioned him a couple of times, is Richard Thalheimer. “Creating Your Own Sharper Image” shares the story of how he grew his tiny office supply company, The Sharper Image, into the thriving enterprise that it has become today.Remember, building a successful business in not all about the dollars and cents. Equally as valuable is you brand equity and your ability to engage your consumer, which is only attainable by understanding them. Assuming there is a demand for your product, and you can compete with the other brands, following these four steps shall guide you in the right direction.


Creating a successful and profitable business is no easy task. It’s reliant on many outside factors, including competition, timing and demand, which you have very little to no control over at the beginning. Assuming all of these outside factors are in your favor, having a sound business plan can lead to having a successful business. Here are five steps to consider when you’re building your business from the ground up:

When clients consider starting a business – even going into freelancing – they begin with, “Where do I get startup capital?” and “What kind of licenses and insurance will I need?” These questions are critical – but the answers will be straightforward.

Your real challenge is to identify a market that will pay for what you have to offer. Once you’ve identified the market, you have to decide how you’ll build relationships and deliver services. You may have a brilliant idea that uses your unique skills – but nobody wants to pay.

Or you may find a creative way to deliver a mundane service. In his latest book, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell describes an accountant who found financial success selling donuts to offices, collecting money through an honor system.

Bottom Line: When considering a new business venture, your first question should be, “Is there a market – that is, a large number of people who are able and willing to buy? Do they need something that is not yet available?”

Once you get excited about reaching a market, the insurance, taxes and licensing chores begin to seem manageable – even effortless. You’ll find ways to make it all happen.

Remember, building a successful business in not all about the dollars and cents. Equally as valuable is you brand equity and your ability to engage your consumer, which is only attainable by understanding them. Assuming there is a demand for your product, and you can compete with the other brands, following these four steps shall guide you in the right direction.

Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

Dawgen Global is an integrated multidisciplinary professional service firm in the Caribbean Region. We are integrated as one Regional firm and provide several professional services including: audit,accounting ,tax,IT,Risk, HR,Performance, M&A,corporate recovery and other advisory services

Where to find us?
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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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